Uzbekistan Natural Gas: Exports. Uzbekistan’s Natural Gas: Exports was reported at 9,272.182 Cub m mn in Dec 2018. This records a decrease from the previous number of 9,392.182 Cub m mn for Dec 2017. Uzbekistan’s Natural Gas: Exports data is updated yearly, averaging 8,700.000 Cub m mn from Dec 1996 to 2018, with 23 observations. Concurrently with resuming natural gas production, the operator launched the project on constructing/upgrading the Shakhpakhty gas field infrastructure in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the follow-up development period with an intention to reach the design capacity for gas collection, treatment and transmission from the field to the Shakhpakhty booster compressor station (BCS) and further gas compression at the Karakalpakia compressor station. Uzbekistan is the largest electricity producer in Central Asia. Total national electricity capacity is 12.6 GW (as of 2007), of which 88.5% is provided by thermal power plants and 11.5% by hydropower plants. The price of electricity runs at 3.5 US Cent/kWh. The national electrification rate is 94.4%,